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The Putnam County Department of Health is made of several divisions all working towards improving and protecting the health of the community. Click on one of the options below to learn more about that division.

PCDOH Employee Spotlight: Nancy Collier
The Putnam County Department of Health has many staff who you see out in the community, performing inspections, at immunization clinics, at health fairs, and more. But there is also staff who work behind the scenes, supporting ”front line” workers and allowing them to be out serving residents. Fiscal Technician Nancy Collier is the go-to person at the health department to sort out funding, budgets, and other financial questions. Of her many important duties, Nancy works on state and federal grants. The funds from the grants allow for the health department to offer more services and programs that might not be possible otherwise. Continue reading to learn about Nancy and what working at the health department means to her.
What is your favorite part of working at the health department?
My coworkers, the interactions with them, and learning about all the programs and services we provide as a health department. Over the years I have learned so much about government and public health.
Is there a particularly rewarding experience you’d like to share?
Yes! I have been able to get our hourly staff a few pay raises over the years. There is no particular policy in place for temporary or hourly staff and they do not get union pay raises. Sometimes they are overlooked.
I talked about pay raises in our budget meetings and helped move the requests forward. That is a good feeling! Money is not the most important thing in the world, but being recognized monetarily is very important.
What does your day-to-day work look like?
It is all over the place! I work with staff on whatever comes up for them. I monitor budgets, correspond with the NYS Department of Health regarding grants and expense reports and reimbursements. I oversee time bank issues, pay vouchers, personnel department issues, support the other Fiscal staff, and work directly with the Fiscal Manager. My day is just so diversified. It can be stressful at times, but I love it.
What do you wish the public knew about your job?
The amount and scope of work involved. And that I always work to maximize our state and federal reimbursement. In the smallest way, it helps keep taxes down.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
Ask for help when you need it.
What have been some of the most important lessons you’ve learned throughout your career?
Compassion, cooperation, flexibility…Listen more, talk less. And be who you are!
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Welcome Message
The mission of the Putnam County Department of Health is to improve and protect the health of our community.
We strive to prevent the spread of disease, protect against environmental hazards, promote healthy lifestyles, ensure access to quality health services, and respond to disasters.
We encourage you to explore our website and contact us if you have any questions.
In the event of an emergency, Health Department staff are available 24/7. Please call 845-808-1390 to report a public health emergency, rabies exposure, communicable disease, water outage or sewer overflow.
If you are a member of the media and would like to contact the health department, please email
Contact the Department of Health
Office | 845.808.1390
Fax | 845.278.7921
Fax (Nursing) | 845.279.4104
Address | 1 Geneva Rd, Brewster, NY 10509