News & Press Releases
The Putnam County Department of Health is made of several divisions all working towards improving and protecting the health of the community. Click on one of the options below to learn more about that division.

You can quit smoking. We can help. Smoking cessation classes start May 17.
Join the American Lung Association’s week quit smoking program, conveniently
held at the Putnam County Department of Health, 1 Geneva Road, Brewster 10509
Hundreds of thousands of people have become smoke-free through a Freedom From
Smoking® Group Clinic which offers a structured, systematic approach to quitting
Overseen by a certified facilitator, you will learn:
- How to know if you’re really ready to quit
- Medications that can increase your success
- Lifestyle changes to make quitting easier
- How to prepare for your quit day
- Coping strategies for managing stress & avoiding weight gain
- How to stay smokefree for good
at the Putnam County Department of Health, 1 Geneva Road, Brewster 10509.
The program will be at no cost to the participants, and they will be supplied with free Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) as long as the supply lasts. Class size will be limited, and pre-registration is required.
Freedom From Smoking Group Quit Program (7 Weeks)
Wednesdays at 6:00 pm (8 Classes)
First class starts on Wednesday, May 17 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Open to the public over 18 yrs. old.
For more information contact:
Alexa Contreras (845) 808-1390 ext. 43155 or email
Program Facilitator: Alexa Contreras, Putnam County Department of Health
Click here to register.
Visit Lung.org/ffs for more information about the program or our online Freedom From
Smoking® Plus if a Group Clinic isn’t right for your quit.
Additional Articles
Tracking cases of bird flu more efficiently—You can help
The Importance of Worksite Wellness: Spotlight on Kim Roberts
Public Health…Built by Everyone!
Public Health is for Everyone!
Preparing Before Disaster Strikes
A Radon Reminder from the Health Department
H5N1 Positive Goose in Putnam: Risk to Public Remains Low
Protecting the Environment is Everyone’s Job: Prevent Septic Failures
Health Department Spotlights Interim Health Commissioner Dr. Michael J Nesheiwat
Health Department Alerts Public to Increase in Gastrointestinal Illness
Welcome Message
The mission of the Putnam County Department of Health is to improve and protect the health of our community.
We strive to prevent the spread of disease, protect against environmental hazards, promote healthy lifestyles, ensure access to quality health services, and respond to disasters.
We encourage you to explore our website and contact us if you have any questions.
In the event of an emergency, Health Department staff are available 24/7. Please call 845-808-1390 to report a public health emergency, rabies exposure, communicable disease, water outage or sewer overflow.
If you are a member of the media and would like to contact the health department, please email
Contact the Department of Health
Office | 845.808.1390
Fax | 845.278.7921
Fax (Nursing) | 845.279.4104
Address | 1 Geneva Rd, Brewster, NY 10509